Supplier Insights

Manage supplier selection risk by accessing data on over 150,000+ suppliers. Easily access financial records, complete supplier profiles, patent filings, management changes, active and past litigations and get alerted on mergers and acquisitions of your direct and indirect suppliers. Analyze risk on your current and prospective suppliers to understand and mitigate risk to your supply chain.

Start Free Trial

Comprehensive Data on your Suppliers

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Supplier Alerts

Track your suppliers and receive notifications on suppliers you investigate

You can upload all of your suppliers into Z2Data's Supplier Insights and begin to track any changes that occur within your supplier base, whether it be a management change, financial change, litigation, damage to a site, etc. You can set alerts on the suppliers that you want to monitor and you will be notified if any changes occur that might warrant an evaluation or outreach to your supplier. If you don't want to filter by supplier you can also filter by alert type and receive a notification anytime any of your suppliers have a management change or a financial report change etc. Stay up to date by receiving timely notifications on your suppliers.

Z2Data then provides you with the source at which the change came from so you can investigate further what the alert is concerning and how it could potentially affect your business.

Continuously monitor your suppliers by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Supplier Alerts

Compare Suppliers

Understand which suppliers pose a risk to your business

With Z2Data's Supplier Insights, you can select and compare companies side by side to understand the strength of your suppliers to their competitors. You can even compare your own company to others in your industry to see how you are stacking up. Z2Data evaluates companies based on a financial score, supply chain score, transparency score, and product data score. You can use these scores to make sure you are working with the most risk-averse supplier in the industry. The score is measured from 0-100. Companies with scores of 71-100 are considered stable, 41-70 is medium risk, below 41 is considered high risk. We provide you with all aspects of a company's financials. We look at who they outsource to, where their sites are located and the diversity of countries that their sites are located in. You can compare how well a company meets compliance regulations vs a competitor and view the documentation associated with those regulations. The more transparent a company is with its compliance information the higher the score.

Z2Data also displays the number of litigations, mergers/acquisitions, and patents that each of your suppliers have. This allows you to quickly view side by side the areas that your suppliers are strong in and the areas that their competitors might be doing a better job at. Depending on what is most important to you, you can use alternate suppliers accordingly.

Evaluate your suppliers with others in the industry by signing up for a trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Compare Top Suppliers

Search Suppliers

Explore your industry with more tailored search types

Rather than looking at information on suppliers that you currently utilize or are familiar with (typing a supplier's name one by one), you can search by looking at all suppliers in a specific industry, whether they are private or public, or if they are suppliers that operate in a specific product line you are concerned with. You can also look at suppliers based on the country they are headquartered in. You can broaden your understanding of who to work with by discovering every supplier in your space.

Z2Data's Supplier Insights contains information on suppliers operating in over 140 industries and can cover every supplier in the industry you are concerned with. You can also look for all "strong" suppliers in our database (suppliers who have a very low risk). A supplier is defined as having a low risk based on a number of scales that Z2Data provides to measure how strong a company's fundamentals and performance are. The overall score is made up of a number of sub-scores such as financials, growth, transparency, product data availability, etc. This capability allows you to dive deeper into your industry, your product line, or geography rather than only researching the suppliers you know of by name. If a supplier seems interesting you can begin to compare them with other suppliers or save them for future research you plan to do down the line.

Discover every supplier in your industry by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Advanced Search

Compare Top Customers

Understand how reliable your customers are

With Z2Data's Supplier Insights, you can select and compare companies side by side to understand the strength of your customers. You can even compare your own company to others in your industry to see how you are stacking up. Z2Data evaluates companies based on a financial score, supply chain score, transparency score, and product data score. You are provided with all the aspects of a company's financials. Z2Data looks at who your customers outsource to, where their sites are located and the diversity of countries that their sites are located in. Supplier Insights can compare how well a company meets compliance regulations vs a competitor and allow you to view the documentation associated with those regulations. The more transparent a company is with its compliance information the higher the score they are given.

If you rely heavily on a few top customers it is advisable to track and monitor their performance/stability. If one of your customers' goes down then your business is heavily impacted, by comparing your customers' side by side you can assess who in your customer base is stable and you can build a long/deeper relationship with.

Prevent risk to your customer base by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Compare Top Customers

Transparency Score

What your supplier is willing to share

When Z2Data calculates risk around a company and assigns them a risk score we are taking multiple factors into account such as their financials, their supply chain, their product data, and how transparent they are with information. The risk score tells you how susceptible a company is to external risk that could affect its business and in turn your own. Many companies choose to keep information confidential, particularly around whether they are compliant with certain rules and regulations. If a company is not forthcoming with their data and compliance information, it could mean that they have something to hide which would be a red flag for you as you evaluate your potential/current supplier. With Supplier Insights, you can work with more transparent suppliers and avoid unknown risks to your business.

Upon request from our customers, Z2Data can also contact suppliers for data/information that you may be concerned with knowing. If a supplier is unwilling to share the information even when it would only be seen by you, then you might want to take this into account and investigate further. The lack of transparency about regulations, compliance, manufacturing location, partners, and other data is taken into account for the transparency score at Z2Data and thus the overall score on whether or not this is a risky supplier to work with. The score is displayed in our application out of 5 stars. If a supplier has 5 stars then they are completely transparent and you can see that transparency reflected in the data that Z2Data has on your suppliers.

To see how forthcoming your supplier is with information, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Transparency Score

Supplier Product Portfolios

Receive information on your supplier's product lines

A part that is extremely valuable to your product may not be generating large amounts of revenue for your supplier's business, which could lead to earlier obsolescence and engineering teams scrambling to find a new part that is essential to your business. Z2Data's Supplier Insights provides a full list of the products your suppliers carry and the revenue associated with those products. Through Supplier Insights you can make smarter decisions around the parts you buy as you know your supplier will continue to carry them. This information can be used to negotiate costs with suppliers when buying products that have been experiencing financial declines or those that are on the rise.

This way you can track your most essential products and break into certain product markets at a cheaper price than what you are currently paying. You can also rest assured that your parts will be carried for years and your teams will not have to scramble to search for anything that is no longer provided.

To make smarter decisions around your product designs, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights tool.

Supplier Product Portfolios

Supplier Risk Score

Take a calculated approach to assessing the risk associated with your suppliers

When vetting or monitoring a supplier, companies want to understand the risk associated with continuing or starting a partnership. Z2Data provides you with an overall risk score on all of your suppliers and more. The overall score is based on a number of scales that Z2Data provides to measure how strong a company's fundamentals and performance are. The overall score is made up of a number of sub-scores such as financials, growth, transparency, product data availability, etc.

Z2Data classifies companies based on their business type and calculates their scores based on the nature of each company's business. The criterium that are measured based on company type are the following:

  • Companies that build tangible products:  Financial/Growth - Supply Chain - Transparency - Product Data
  • Non-Part Manufacturers & Distributors: Financial/Growth - Environment - Governance - Social Responsibility
  • Software & IT companies: Financial/Growth - Cybersecurity - Governance - Social Responsibility

The score is measured from 0-100. Companies with scores of 71-100 are considered stable, 41-70 is medium risk, below 41 is considered high risk. By taking these scores into account you can easily divide your suppliers into groups and vet those that are stable from those that you may need to investigate further. You can have access to all aspects of your supplier's risk on one platform as opposed to searching for financials, product data, and their supply chain on multiple sources.

To understand the holistic risk associated with your suppliers, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Supplier Risk Score

Supplier Relationships

Who your supplier works and competes with

In the event of shortages and allocations, you may want to know who your supplier's largest customers are. By doing so you can understand if your supplier will still support you even in their time of crisis. Z2Data provides a list of all of your supplier's customers, each with their own risk score for you to understand how stable your supplier's customer base is.

Z2Data shows who your supplier's suppliers are as well as their partners so that you can assess the health of their supply chain. If one of your supplier's suppliers is at high risk then you may begin to think that your supplier can be effected.

Gain more buying options by understanding who your supplier's competitors and distributors are in case you want to make changes to your supplier base. All companies that are listed in Supplier Insights are evaluated by a team of analysts and each supplier is given a risk score for you to understand who is stable and who is more susceptible to external risks such as financial collapse, supply chain disruptions, litigations, etc.

To find more suppliers and distributors, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights tool today.

Supplier Relationships

Supplier Locations

See where all your supplier's manufacturing and distribution locations are located

Z2data looks at a multitude of different manufacturing locations. A few of the locations we track and map for you are:

  • Fabrication
  • Assembly
  • Test
  • System Assembly
  • Warehouse
  • Distribution Center

Z2Data tells you the locations of all the offices, sites, and partner sites that your supplier uses and displays these in a map as well as with the exact address for you to understand your supplier's supply chain, their partners, and where they are manufacturing product. In the event of disruptions, tariffs, or other issues around the world, this capability can help you understand whether your supplier (and in turn yourself) will be affected. You can then choose certain suppliers who you feel have the lowest geographical risk in order to reduce the number of disruptions that occur to your supply chain around the world. Understanding supplier locations are taken into account for your supplier's supply chain score which is one of the most important factors when assessing risk. It tells you if your supplier is outsourcing their manufacturing if they are doing it in house, and how reliable these manufacturing locations are to continue to operate at 100% performance.

To understand your supplier's entire supply chain, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Supplier Locations

Regulation Compliance

Measure how compliant your supplier is with global rules and regulations

In an increasingly interconnected environment, bad press can get around quickly. Companies are making sure that their suppliers are compliant with global rules and regulations such as the Child Labor Act or the Clean Air Act. Making sure your supply chain is compliant can allow you to build good press and look better in the public eye as communities want to support organizations that are doing good by the world and their community.

Z2Data provides you with full compliance data on all your suppliers. Supplier Insights lets you know what regulations each supplier meets, as well as provides you with the documentation to support those claims. We provide you with conflict mineral reports, the organizations that your suppliers work with/are a part of, and their level of transparency with meeting those regulations. Companies that are very transparent with their regulatory compliant documentation have proven to be more trustworthy and thereby less risky to work with. Z2Data provides you with all documentation that you would need to verify if your supplier meets the regulatory and compliance rules set forth by global and local organizations.

Make sure your suppliers are compliant by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Regulation Compliance

Flagged Events & News

Discover when your supplier makes headlines

As suppliers are constantly changing and updates are being made, it may become overwhelming to stay up to date. Through Z2Data's Supplier Insights tool, you can select specific pieces of information that you're concerned with and Z2Data will flag those pieces of information for you accordingly. These flags generally cover the following topics:

  • Supplier News
  • Company Announcements/Press Releases
  • Financial Filings
  • Management Changes
  • Acquisitions and Mergers
  • Litigations
  • And more.

Receive up to date automatically updated information on your suppliers, directly to your inbox. This way rather than scouring through the company's website and other news agencies, you can come to the tool, visit your supplier's page and see all the important changes accordingly.

Stay up to date on all supplier news by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Flagged Events & News

Product Data Score

How transparent is your supplier regarding their product portfolios?

Z2Data's product data score enables you to look deeper into the risk of suppliers based on how transparent they are regarding releasing information about a particular part. The more transparent and accurate they are regarding their products, the higher their scores will be.

Failing to provide information regarding products can be alarming and worth taking into consideration when choosing suppliers. Having in-depth information regarding capabilities, parametric features, price, etc. is critical in designing products, so it is important that the suppliers that you are working with are willing to give you that information. Gain complete visibility into your supplier's products and make better design decisions with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Z2Data's intelligent solutions and data teams collect and analyze data and news regarding a supplier's products so you can be confident with the business decisions you are making about your suppliers. With various suppliers that may sell the same component, you can assess the risk of each one and choose the best option that fits your needs.

To understand a supplier's complete product portfolio, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Product Data Score

Litigations & Supplier Lawsuits

View the litigations and lawsuits involving your suppliers

Having a central location that is regularly updated to analyze whether or not your supplier is involved in litigation could be of great use when assessing risk. As opposed to you getting notified via your news feed that your supplier has been involved in a scandal, Z2Data lists all litigations for you to search through. Z2Data's Supplier Insights provides you with the case number, jurisdiction, type of litigation, and whether the case is still open or closed. You receive a case summary that gives the judge's name, reason for litigation, and the link associated with the case so you can track and validate it yourself. Z2Data also provides various docket entries for each case, the action taken, and a source for you to track and verify these actions.

Allowing you to have a centralized location to analyze litigations associated with your suppliers and constantly view updates/receive alerts so that you can manage the legal health of your suppliers. Avoid suppliers involved in major legal issues with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

To see all litigations involving your suppliers, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Litigations & Supplier Lawsuits

Comprehensive Supplier Profiles

Receive comprehensive data on your suppliers

Information on your suppliers is key in negotiations, assessing risk, and evaluations. Z2Data's Supplier Insights provides a comprehensive list of data points on each of your suppliers in order for organizations to access an unbiased information source to improve business health and decrease supplier risk. Supplier Insights provides the following datapoints:

  • Supplier Financials
  • Site Locations
  • Supplier's Supply Chain
  • Relationships
  • Competitors
  • Litigations
  • Acquisitions
  • And more.

Z2Data's supplier database is normalized which means that there are no duplications of suppliers and each organization falls into industry categories as provided by Z2Data.

Supplier Insights is a reliable unbiased information source that can enable you to understand whether your suppliers are at risk for a supply chain disruption, their financial health, the health of their product, and the health of their manufacturing sites. This level of insight can be used to reduce costs, decrease lead times, and negotiations as you will know when the supplier has made certain product line changes or site changes that could result in financial benefits for them and thus should result in a financial benefit for you.

To better understand your suppliers and mitigate costs to your supply chain, sign up for a free trial for Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Comprehensive Supplier Profiles

Profitability & Growth

Measuring the growth and profitability of your suppliers

In Z2Data's Supplier Insight tool, every supplier is given a financial health score. A supplier's financial health may be one of the most important risk factors when evaluating your suppliers. Z2Data takes multiple factors into account when calculating the overall financial health score. One of these factors is a supplier's profitability. If a supplier is not growing or not profitable it begins to increase the chances of bankruptcy and brings down their overall financial health. With Supplier Insights, you can make sure your supply base is financially stable and profitable, which leads to greater stability for your own business. Some of the main points taken into account to calculate profitability & growth are below:

  • Income from Continuing Operations Margin
  • EBITDA Margin
  • Retained Earnings Margin
  • Adjusted Operating Cash Margin
  • Year-over-Year Growth Including Revenue and Working Capital

Z2Data's team of financial analysts are constantly updating and analyzing this data to provide accurate and intelligent analysis when giving overall financial health scores of your suppliers. We weigh each of the points respectively to their effect on financial strength/weakness and provide you with the analytics accordingly. Should you want a deeper look at the details into the calculations, those numbers are also provided for you in the application.

See how profitable your suppliers are by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Profitability & Growth

Supplier Financial Information

Collect all supplier financial data

Understanding your supplier's financial situation may be the most important when assessing the risk associated with your suppliers. Z2Data brings you detailed financial statistics and reports on your suppliers. Supplier Insights provides you with income statements, balance sheets, cash flows, historical trend data, and allows you to apply filters around the periods that you seek to analyze. Z2Data also breaks down the financials by business segment so you can understand which part of your supplier's business is healthy and which portions are at risk. Reporting is also broken up into geographical segments if you choose to view the data in that format. Z2Data calculates the overall financial health of your supplier by looking at liquidity, solvency, profitability, and growth, to tell you the risk associated with bankruptcy in the next 2 years.

You can view any aspect of your supplier's financials as Z2Data provides general summaries as well as in-depth reports/documentation from 10ks to stock price and market cap tracking. Visualizations and detailed reports are also provided to illustrate a company's commitments and obligations for you to analyze debt obligations, and the maturities of those obligations.

View all of your supplier's financial statistics by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Key Financials

Supplier Financial Health Risk

Understand your supplier's risk for bankruptcy

When choosing to do business with a new supplier or monitoring your current suppliers, you may be very concerned with their financials. Z2Data's Supplier Insights provides you with a financial risk score for you to understand the risk associated with working with a particular supplier or set of suppliers. You can make sure your supplier will be financially stable for years to come. The score measures the risk of bankruptcy within the next 2 years. The score is based on a number of factors such as liquidity, profitability, leverage, year over year growth, and market performance.

A supplier is measured on a score of 0-100 and the score ranges have the following definitions:

  • Strong: High growth rates, stable profits and can easily cover short and long term obligations (71-100)
  • Stable: Medium to Low growth rates and can cover short and long term obligations (41-70)
  • Weak: Continuous losses and cannot cover short and long term obligations leading to a high probability of bankruptcy within the next two years (0-40)

Z2Data constantly tracks the supplier's financials through a dedicated team of financial analysts who update the site regularly. This way you know that every quarter your suppliers are being assessed and reevaluated in case the financial risk increases.

Understand your supplier's financial stability by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Supplier Financial Health Risk

Product & Geographic Segment Analysis

Analyze your suppliers business through segmentation

Understanding your supplier's financial situation may be the most important when assessing the risk associated with your suppliers. Z2Data brings you detailed financial statistics and reports on your suppliers. Supplier Insights provides you with income statements, balance sheets, cash flows, historical trend data, and allows you to apply filters around the periods you seek to analyze.

In addition to providing you overall financial information, Z2Data goes deeper and breaks up financials by geographic and product segments. This way you can understand if the specific business line you are concerned with is profitable or dropping. By understanding the profitable geographic regions you can account for which portions of the business will be kept and which you might see reductions in times of crisis. If you are working with a weaker part of your supplier's business then you might want to think about choosing alternatives. The segmentation of your supplier's financial information allows you to make more informed decisions about your supplier's lines of business.

Understand the financials of each segment of your supplier's business by signing up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Business & Geographic Segment Analysis

Bankruptcy Score

Measuring the potential of bankruptcy in your suppliers

Every supplier is given a financial health score. A supplier's financial health may be one of the most important risk factors when evaluating your suppliers. Z2Data takes multiple factors into account when calculating the overall financial health score. One of these factors is a supplier's bankruptcy score. Z2Data tracks a company's financial trends and provides insight into what the probability of bankruptcy is looking like and the trajectory that the company is facing in the future. The bankruptcy score ONLY assesses the risk of bankruptcy and nothing else. For example, a company could be stagnant but have a strong bankruptcy score. Z2Data takes into account the below factors to calculate the bankruptcy score:

  • Liquidity - Ability to cover short term obligations
  • Leverage - Ability to cover long term obligations
  • Profitability - Ability to generate profits
  • Growth Year-over-Year
  • Market Performance - Evaluates Stock Performance and Market Value

When looking to understand bankruptcy you are provided with in-depth analytics so that you do not have to analyze the data yourself, Z2Data algorithms provide accurate predictions of the risk associated with a company going bankrupt in under 2 years from today.

To understand the risk of bankruptcy in your supplier base, sign up for a free trial with Z2Data's Supplier Insights.

Bankruptcy Score

Benefits of Using Supplier Insights

Conduct Supplier Risk Analysis

Z2Data’s proprietary scoring algorithm predicts supplier’s risk of bankruptcy and assigns risk scores to determine the financial health of the supplier and its major impact on your supply chain.

Access Complete Supplier Profiles

Instantly access deep profiles on your current and prospective suppliers with data ranging from management changes, financial histories, patent filings, contact information, active and past litigations and M&A activity.

Map Manufacturing Locations

Easily view and map out manufacturing locations of your suppliers. Quickly assess risk with a comprehensive view of your suppliers' FABs, factories and assembly locations.

Real Time Supplier Alerts

Get alerted for important events concerning your suppliers such as mergers and acquisitions, new litigations with competitors, management changes and notifications concerning disasters that can affect business continuity.

Supplier Compliance

Know what regulations each supplier meets. View conflict mineral reports, the organizations that your suppliers work with/are a part of, and their level of transparency with meeting those regulations.

Supplier Risk Score

Z2Data provides you with an overall risk score on all of your suppliers and more. The overall score is based on a number of scales that Z2Data provides to measure how strong a company's fundamentals and performance are.

Increase Efficiency and Profitability​

Achieve operational excellence in a volatile global marketplace.

Start Free Trial

Shared Successes of World-Renowned Businesses

Quisque et dapibus arcu. In pulvinar, enim viverra volutpat pellentesque, nisl justo condimentum augue, vel commodo arcu odio vitae lectus. Vestibulum elit augue, auctor eu erat ac, porttitor ornare nisi.

Is Supplier Insights Right for You?

Supply Chain Managers

Receive alerts on supplier-specific disruptions like geopolitical events, natural disasters, supplier changes, and more.

Supplier Managers

Prevent costly disruptions, by ensuring that all of your suppliers are in compliance with international rules and regulations.


Increase supplier transparency and reduce supplier risk to guarantee that your customers will receive their products on-time.

Dynamic Pricing Based on Your Needs

Start mitigating component risk with a 14 day free trial

Free Trial

Conduct Supplier Risk Analysis
Access Complete Supplier Profiles
Map Supplier Manufacturing Locations
Monitor Suppliers with Alerts

Paid Subscription

Supplier Insights pricing depends on how many suppliers you need data on and the number of users who need access.

To give you the best possible experience with Z2Data, we need to understand your specific needs.

Please request pricing below and we will be in touch to give you a personalized overview of the solution and discuss pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my data secure?

Z2Data is SOC 2 Type 1 and 2 compliant and goes through multiple penetration tests every year to ensure that our customers data is secure. To learn more about our security measure contact us!

Can I upload full BOMs in Supplier Insights?

Z2Data's Supplier Insights allows you to easily upload your most complex BOMs and populate data in a matter of seconds.

Can I receive supplier data through APIs?

All the data that is available through Z2Data’s products can be accessed through API. All the data is also exportable if you would like to use it in your internal systems.

Can each module be stand alone or do they build on each other?

No tool/module is required for the other tool/module to work. In other words, they can be used as standalone tools. Using them together provides more analysis and intelligence to the data around risk.

Is the 14-day free trial really free?

Yes! You can try all the capabilities of Z2Data's Supplier Insights for free without a credit card or PO. Sign up here to get started!

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