REACH Authorization starts when a Member State or ECHA, at the request of the Commission, proposes a substance to be identified as an SVHC.
REACH is a European Union (EU) regulation that was adopted to protect human health and the environment from harmful chemical risks. REACH also promotes the use of alternative testing methods to reduce tests on animals.
REACH Authorization starts when a Member State or ECHA, at the request of the Commission, proposes a substance to be identified as an SVHC.
Generally, these include:
The SVHC identification process includes a 45-day consultation and the following steps.
The intention to propose a substance for identification as an SVHC is published in the registry of intentions before the proposal is submitted, to inform interested parties in advance of the submission.
The proposal is prepared according to Annex XV to REACH and includes:
After the publication of the proposal, interested parties can comment on it or provide further information during the 45-day consultation. Comments can be made on the properties of the substance, its uses, and alternatives.
If no comments or challenges are received, the substance is included directly in the Candidate List. If comments are received it is evaluated and if the committee reaches a unanimous agreement, the substance is added to the Candidate List. If the committee does not reach a unanimous agreement, the matter is referred to the Commission for further analysis.
Once a substance is identified as an SVHC, it is included in the Candidate List which means suppliers are responsible to provide the following on each substance:
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