REACH Adds New Substances to Its SVHC List - January 2025

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added five new substances and updated one entry to the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) list, increasing the total to 247.

REACH Adds New Substances to Its SVHC List - January 2025

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) manages the European Union (EU) regulation REACH in order to expand the protections of human health and the environment. The REACH regulation applies to all chemical substances, not just industrial, and effects most companies across the EU. The regulation establishes a procedure for collecting and assessing information on hazards of substances. Those substances are then either managed under the substances of very high concern (SVHC) list or if the risks of the substance are unmanageable, added to the restricted list. The ECHA considers new substances for the SVHC list every six months.

The ECHA has submitted five new substances to the SVHC list for the first update of 2025 and updated a sixth entry. This brings the SVHC list up from 242 to 247 substances. Manufacturers and importers must declare SVHC content above the limit of 0.1% weight by weight in all articles, which includes the SCIP notifications. You can find the complete SVHC list at the ECHA website here. These are the six new substances along with the reason for inclusion on the SVHC list and their common uses:

Analysis of the Z2Data database for parts with full material disclosures revealed over 200,000+ parts that relate to at least one of the substances of very high concern. Out of the five new substances, only the updated entry accounts for 99% of the affected parts. Tris(4-nonylphenyl, branched and linear) phosphite (TNPP) is typically used in the manufacturing of polymers, adhesives and sealants and coating products. This SVHC is a group of substances, which includes any of the individual isomers and/or combinations thereof, including impurities. The major concern of these substances is due to their degradation into 4-nonylphenol, branched and linear, which is known to cause endocrine disruption. The majority (99%) of the parts identified as affected under this group were mainly affected by phenol, which is identified in the dossier as an impurity included under TNPP. While the top three commodities that accounted for 97% of the affected parts were chip resistors, zener diodes and fixed inductors, there were a total of 145 affected commodities overall. 

Are you unsure on how to comply with REACH or if the regulation is applicable to you? Z2Data can help! Under our compliance manager tool, you can upload and manage each part of your product. You will have access to a database of over 1 billion electronic components for instant data including REACH compliance statuses and access to our regulatory compliance advisor. For other parts, we can conduct a due diligence supplier outreach on your behalf to secure compliance statuses and seamlessly upload that information to your personal database within the tool so that you can see the impact on your product, manage ever changing compliance needs with reports and compliance scores and generate certificates for your product for communication to downstream users of your product. You will have the availability to collaborate with your team within the tool for a centralized platform. There is seamless integration and API with your business applications as well as easy import/export features for system collaboration. You will be able to stay ahead of any changes with system alerts. Z2Data helps you achieve increased efficiency and operational excellence in an ever-changing global market.

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