Z2Data + QSC
Z2Data touches all aspects of the component, from design to manufacturing. It not only saves me time but also saves time for our regulatory compliance, procurement, and design teams. Each departments saves so much time using Z2Data’s platform."
Adam Doolittle,
Component Engineer

About QSC

QSC is a globally-recognized leader in the design, engineering and manufacturing of award-winning solutions and services with R&D, manufacturing, sales, marketing, support and operations teams across multiple continents.


Electronics Manufacturing


500 - 1,000


Costa Mesa, California, U.S.

Why Did QSC Choose Z2Data?

QSC, a worldwide leader in electronics manufacturing, needed a comprehensive solution to optimize component selection and streamline supply chain risk management. Facing inefficiencies from using multiple tools, they sought a platform that could consolidate operations while addressing the unique demands of their business.

After evaluating several options, QSC chose Z2Data for its robust features and end-to-end capabilities. The platform's ability to analyze components from design feasibility to manufacturing compatibility stood out. Z2Data's tools—Part Risk Manager, Supply Chain Watch, and Compliance Module—offered integrated solutions that supported lifecycle management, compliance, and real-time risk mitigation.

According to Adam Doolittle, Component Engineer at QSC, “Z2Data saves me a minimum of 10 hours a week. It’s critical to our processes, touching everything from design to procurement.” The result? Enhanced productivity, significant time savings, and a resilient supply chain management process.

Increased Productivity

Resilient Lifecycle Management

Time Savings

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